Life Changes

It's been a bit since I wrote in this space.  After my last post my life was sort of flipped upside down in really great ways, but it forced me to re-evaluate and re-balance.  Aside from starting a new day job and taking on more clients, I also found out in January that I am pregnant.  This news was simultaneously the best and scariest news of my life.

Let me get personal for a minute here.  For all intents I was not planning to have a baby per say, I simply was sick of dumping synthetic hormones into my body.  I worked so hard to get to my optimum health that it felt counter productive to remain on something that was seriously changing the chemistry in my system.  I am by no means saying anything negative about birth control.  It worked for me for many years, but with age comes change, and I felt it was time to give my body a break.  Fast forward 6 months later, and two very surprised people were staring at a positive pregnancy test.

After the initial shock, the excitement and wonder kicked in along with nausea and out of necessity, a total diet overhaul.  It is the strangest thing to be completely nauseated by the very foods that made you happy and healthy a month prior.  Bread and pasta seemed to be the only foods that were appetizing to me.  I tried to drink as much green juice as I could, but roasted and cooked vegetables were completely off limits.  At least half of my normal diet.  It becomes very hard to write about health and wellness when you can't stomach the idea of a vegetable.  

I can be real with you now that that phase of the pregnancy is over!  My vegetable heavy diet is becoming more palatable again, so I am happy that I can continue to experiment with recipes and share them with you.  I also hope to share the ins and outs of how to maintain health during pregnancy for those who are interested, so that you are physically ready to give birth, and can maintain wellness before and after the baby is born.  The other thing I hope to share that may be helpful, is how to deal with your self image when so many things about your body are changing simultaneously.  That has been a challenge for me, and I would love to shed some light into how to manage those feelings.

At this point I think I have things somewhat sorted, and have made a commitment to myself to devote more time to this blog.  It is my wish that one of my post's provides a yummy dinner idea for someone, or helps you through a hard time.  That is what my life's purpose is, and I would like to get back on track to fulfill it.

Until next time, Happy Spring!